Volume 20, Number 1

The Bridge

           September 2003

President's Perspective

Our first HRC Board of Directors meeting for the fall of the 2003/2004 year was held in early September and I am pleased to report an energetic board has an exciting list of activities in mind for the year. We will start off with an appearance by Sheriff Joe Arpaio on October 15th, our Oktoberfest celebration on October 22nd and the fall golf outing on October 28th. Please check for further details in this issue of The Bridge. For the program year we have the following additional tentative plans in place:

Digital Camera Presentation November
High Definition TV December
Laughlin Trip January
Spring Picnic February
Annual Meeting April
Spring Golf Outing April

Watch the Bridge for dates and times as these and other programs being planned firm up.

We appreciate membership support for these activities. We are always open to new ideas for programs that would be of interest to you. We can also always use your help in planning and carrying out these activities. Please give us a call at the Hotline number or e-mail at hotline@hrcaz.org or give me a call or an e-mail zyzzroeber@cox.net.

If you are connected to the web or have access to it, don’t forget to go to the HRC website, http://www.hrcaz.org/to see information about your club and to review the schedule of upcoming events. A membership application blank can also be found there for any of your friends from the Honeywell companies who are not currently members. Give a call to any Honeywell friends who have not yet joined and urge them to join you in the club.

Hoping you all stayed healthy, had a great summer and you are anxious to join in the activities of your HRC.

Don Roeber