Volume 19, Number 7

The Bridge



By Judy Nance, R. N.

Questions to Ask Your Health Care Professional:

  1. Is my health better, the same or worse since my last visit?

  2. What are my risks for certain illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease?

  3. What screening tests should I have?

  4. What are the best ways I can maintain my health? Ask for advice on diet, physical activity and stress management.

  5. Do I need to update any immunizations, such as tetanus?

  6. Should I get a flu shot or a pneumonia vaccine? (Flu shots are generally recommended yearly for people age 50 and older and for those at higher risk of developing the flu. The pneumonia vaccine is recommended for people age 65 and older and those younger who are at increased risk.)

Be sure to mention any pain or discomfort that you're having. Discuss physical and emotional concerns with your health care professional. Information from Mayo Clinic Women's Health Source